by Michelle Clift | Feb 13, 2017 | HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes
Did you know that 30% of women are traumatised by their birth experience? In 2012 that was me. Diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and PTSD (yes, you read that correctly – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), I was miserable. Find out how you can avoid my 3 biggest...
by Michelle Clift | Jan 31, 2017 | Home Page, HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes
Something that I come across a lot in my job, is scepticism or confusion about the hypnosis part of HypnoBirthing. And yes, this is generally from partners, Dads-to-be in most cases. The rest of this article is for them! I call it – What the F@#% is HypnoBirthing!! ...
by HypnoBirthing Collective | Jan 5, 2017 | HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes
Happy New Year! I hope whatever you did, it was a lovely night. We handed the kids over to the grandparents for the night so I enjoyed myself a little too much. I think it was about 5pm on New Years Day before I made it off the couch! Everyone Loves A Freebie! To get...
by Michelle Clift | Dec 20, 2016 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes
As the year reaches its final frantic peak before the quiet days of January, it got me thinking about what to write to you. I adore writing but the topics I write about don’t come easily to me. I wish I could call this a real blog, but an email each fortnight does not...