Birthing Affirmation Printables

by | Jan 27, 2020 | HypnoBirthing

bronze design

I am a lover of creating a gorgeous birth space. This space should be warm, dark and cosy and extra points for looking and smelling stunning!

Candles, an oil burner or diffuser, incense, music, flower, plants, a water feature, open fire and lots of soft blankets and pillows are wonderful ways to add to the ambiance of your birthing space.

Birth balls, yoga mats, birthing stools and a mattress on the floor are also great additions.

Of course these things are easier at home but many things can be transported to a hospital and you should do everything you can to keep that safe, sacred space the same, whether it’s at home, the car or the hospital.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to use in life but in particular when it comes to pregnancy, preparing for birth and the labour itself.

They can keep you motivated, focused and give you an inner strength when you need it most.

Most importantly, they can change your thoughts, habits and behaviours.

That’s why I created these three lots of birthing affirmation printables. These beautiful A4 affirmations can adorn the walls of your home or birth suite at the hospital, keeping you on track and positive throughout your labour.

There are the same 12 affirmations but in three different designs so hopefully there is something for everyone.

Simply click on the link to download the A4 PDF to print at home (or Officeworks)

Birth Affirmations

Birth Affirmations – Black & White

Cesarean Birth Affirmations

Other Designs

Printable Birthing Affirmations – Floral

Printable Birthing Affirmations – Modern

Printable Birthing Affirmations – Night

I hope you enjoy them and they make your space beautiful and empowering!


HypnoBirthing Collective

HypnoBirthing Collective


The HypnoBirthing Collective is one of Melbourne’s most exciting and fresh providers of affordable services and courses for pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. Our cornerstone program is our birth preparation course which is taking the world by calm, HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method. At The HypnoBirthing Collective we are dedicated to you and your family. We understand that pregnancy is an incredible time but can be overwhelming. We offer HypnoBirthing classes to help you relax and enjoy the excitement of a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing experience.