From The Beginning to the End of Life

by | Dec 20, 2016 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes

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As the year reaches its final frantic peak before the quiet days of January, it got me thinking about what to write to you.

I adore writing but the topics I write about don’t come easily to me.

I wish I could call this a real blog, but an email each fortnight does not a blog make.

At best it’s just a fortnightly(ish) email with some of my musings.

So as I look back on the year, I’m thinking about what I’ve learnt and how I’ve grown.

For me, the massive theme for the year was HypnoBirthing, of course! I did my training in March and hit the ground running.

I’ve taught lots of couples this year and it’s been an absolute joy. I can’t believe I’m one of those people who have the job of their dreams!

I love imparting my knowledge and playing a small part in these beautiful couples birth journeys.

I think my favourite part is seeing the change come over the dads. They often come to the class open minded and with some healthy skepticism but leave with this palpable confidence. It radiates from them!

They absolutely know how to support their partner through this adventure and it’s a privilege to be a part of that.

Building up my HypnoBirthing business has come with its own challenges so I thank each and every one of you who have passed on my details or did the course.

Supporting you and your family through this journey means I can help support my family financially which is such a blessing.

It’s amazing how when I’m positive and energetic, couples call and book in. When I’m tired and flat, things are quiet. It’s a wild ride and it’s definitely teaching me to be so mindful of my headspace.

Something my mum taught me since having my daughter 19 months ago was that it’s ok to feel crappy sometimes.

I am no stranger to feeling quite down but I used to always fight it. I’d get into a horrible headspace and go down the rabbit hole into a pretty negative place.

Now, I lean into it. What does that mean? I don’t enjoy it but I don’t fight it. I listen to myself and my body. I ask myself ‘why do I feel like this?’

Do I need more sleep, better food or some exercise?

For me, more often than not, I need to nurture myself. I need to tell myself it’s ok to feel like this and it just means I need a hot bath, or a tea, or to read in bed or to lie on the couch and watch a movie.

This simple step of being ok with feeling crap, has been such a positive change in my life.

Whilst I have lots of hellos this year with some many gorgeous HypnoBirthing babies born, I’ve had one goodbye, my dear Pa.

Pa passed away a few weeks ago after being up and down with his health for about 18 months.

Something I am so happy we did was I asked my mum to ask Pa the following questions;

  • How did you meet Nana?
  • What advice can you share with me about money, life and happiness?
  • What does being a dad mean to you?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • How would you like to be remembered?

She recorded the answers on her phone, which means we’ll have those beautiful answers and advice to pass down to my kids and his great grandchildren who will never have the pleasure of meeting this proud, strong, wonderful man.

Through the process of saying goodbye to my Pa, it dawned on me how similar the start of our lives are to the end.

We don’t know when and we don’t know how.

We don’t know how long it will take or if it will be smooth and peaceful or drawn out and traumatic.

I guess the only thing we can do it prepare ourselves as best we can and have no regrets.

My Pa said his only regret in life was losing touch with friends. Everything else he was proud of.

I will take his regret and turn it into a positive. I’ll remember to nurture my friendships because they are so important. My tribe is my life and I need them to continue on this crazy mothering path.

If you are pregnant, make sure you don’t have regrets in your preparation. Have you explored all your birthing possibilities? Home Birth? Private Midwife? Water Birth? Birth Photographer?

Don’t be like so many women before you and wish you had done these things. You only get a few chances to have a baby, make it the best experience of your life.

For now, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas full of lots of joy.


Michelle Clift

Michelle Clift


Hi I'm Michelle. I am a second-generation birth passioneer, a protector and supporter of birthing parents and birth workers alike. Among so many things, I am a HypnoBirthing Educator, doula, advocate and disruptor of the birthing status quo. I also laugh too hard at my own jokes, I swear and often over-share! Since attending my first birth in 2016, I fell head over heels in love with all things birth and was determined to make this my life’s calling. Connecting women to their purpose, to their children, to their ability to birth, to run businesses, to be happy…this is my reason for being on this earth.