Helpful Parenting Toolkit

We often spend so much time focussing on our pregnancy and the birth, that we neglect the parenting aspect of having a baby.
Below is a “Parenting Tooklit” with tools and articles that I have personally found extremely helpful when navigating those first few months of having a newborn.
Baby Ears by DBL (Dustan Baby Language)
This tool teaches you what the sound your baby makes just before they cry means. There are 5 ‘words’ to learn and I can personally testify how incredibly helpful this tool is. You can download an App, purchase the DVD or watch online.
The Wonder Weeks
This bestselling book explains why babies are often unexplainably fussy and the leaps they are making in their mental development. I found it a wonderful tool to be able to understand what was happening in my baby’s world and what new skills they were learning. You can purchase the book, download an eBook or download an App.
Colic Solution
This article changed my life for my second baby. I only wish I had read it for my first. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.
Natural Hospital Birthing Facebook Group
This is a wonderful group that might be really helpful for this last month of pregnancy with any questions you have. There is also an amazing resources section in the Files part of the group.
The Last Days of Pregnancy – A Place of InBetween
I love this article for those last long weeks of pregnancy.
Birth Photography & Videography
I have a number of photographers that I recommend to document your birth journey.
The 5 Love Languages
This test and book is famous worldwide and I’m sure has saved many a marriage. If you and your partner both do the test and find out what your love languages are, you can then speak to your partner in their ‘language’. You will both feel seen, heard, loved and acknowledged.
Breastfeeding Support
Hospitals are busy places and the staff there don’t always have the time they would like to dedicate to each and every mother learning to breastfeed. I cannot recommend the beautiful and talented Amberley enough. She is a midwife, a mother and a breastfeeding expert. She comes to you, whether that’s home or hospital to make sure you and your baby have a wonderful breastfeeding relationship. Medicare rebates available.