by HypnoBirthing Collective | Nov 24, 2017 | ChildBirth, Parenting
A few weeks ago I had my bones closed. What the what I hear you say? If you’ve followed my story, you’ll know that I had a traumatic first birth. It’s hard now to put my finger on what was traumatic but I think it was a combination of many things. Being unprepared....
by Michelle Clift | Sep 28, 2017 | Birth Stories, HypnoBirthing, Parenting
OK, deep breath Michelle. You can do this. For 18 months, I’ve felt like I’ve got a big, dirty secret that I don’t want to talk about it. But lately, I’ve been coming to terms with it. I think coming clean today will help with my healing process. Here I go. I learnt...
by Michelle Clift | Aug 17, 2017 | HypnoBirthing, Parenting
If you’re anything like me, you get incredibly frustrated constantly by the total shit storm that is happening around birth and our maternity system. I could write a huge list about the issues pregnant women are facing – the pressure, the disrespect, the...
by Michelle Clift | May 31, 2017 | Parenting
I was recently approached by a paediatric occupational therapist about a course she runs and wanted to offer to my gorgeous tribe for free! When I read about what it entailed, it really struck a chord with me. When I was pregnant, I was totally and utterly focused on...
by HypnoBirthing Collective | Sep 8, 2016 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing, Parenting
Australia is called ‘The Lucky Country’. We enjoy many opportunities in our multi-cultural, open-minded society. Most Australians experience a great quality of life. We have low pollution levels and a modern and efficient infrastructure. Our health system, whilst busy...
by HypnoBirthing Collective | Aug 9, 2016 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing, Parenting
For most people, falling pregnant is a very exciting time. You wonder about this new little baby, will it be a boy or a girl, what will you name them? Maybe in the early days, it’s just a matter of surviving the morning sickness and tiredness. As the months pass by,...