If you’re anything like me, you get incredibly frustrated constantly by the total shit storm that is happening around birth and our maternity system.
I could write a huge list about the issues pregnant women are facing – the pressure, the disrespect, the coercion, the abuse, the lies – I feel like I’m writing about a soap opera!
But let’s focus on the positives today – let’s focus on something we can actually do to change things, after all, peace on earth begins with birth!
What I’m asking of you today is to contact your local minister of parliament. I know that might have made you switch off but the women of Australia need your help.
The Dalai Lama recently said ‘The World Will Be Saved By The Western Women’.
Let’s do this ladies.
Let’s make some mother f@#king noise and see if we can make change happen.
What You Do
Step 1
Find you local MP here http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Members
You can then click on the little envelope to open an email or the Contact Form option.
Step 2
Copy and paste (or copy and edit) the following text and send it on through. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR HOME ADDRESS. THEY MUST RESPOND TO YOU THEN.
Dear <insert their name>,
I am contacting you in regards to the National Maternity Services Plan (2010-16), a plan established because of a national review into maternity services in 2009. The NMSP is a federal plan, agreed upon by all health ministers, including state and territory. Currently, due to lack of accountability of the priorities outlined in the plan, birthing women are still struggling to access private midwives with visiting access to hospitals, midwifery group programs (caseload/continuity of care) and options like water births. There is also very little transparency in regards to birth statistics and outcomes on a hospital level. I am aware Maternity Consumer Network has had a commitment by Greg Hunt, Federal Minister for Health to take over the development of a new maternity plan, after Queensland Department of Health failed in its attempt.
I am asking you to advocate on behalf of local maternity consumers to Minister Hunt, to ensure an independent evaluation of the NMSP takes place and consumers are adequately consulted in the development of a new maternity plan. It’s imperative decisions about us, are made in consultation with us. Currently, almost one third of our mums are experiencing postnatal depression and over 14% experiencing PTSD resulting from birth (Boorman, Devilly, Gamble, Creedy, & Fenwich, 2014). We also know the number one cause of perinatal mortality is attributed to suicide. This is not good enough.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Your sincerely,
<insert your name>.
Step 3
Make a cuppa, sit back and feel bloody good and instigating some change in this broken system.
I did this just now and it honestly took 2 minutes.
Thank you. From me, from all the women pregnant right now and all the ones still to come.
Michelle Clift xo