by Michelle Clift | Apr 11, 2019 | Birth Stories, ChildBirth
Hey there mama, I’m glad you found this article and I’m here to get you feeling comfortable and positive about your caesarean birth. I know you’ve been on a journey and I know this had been a tough decision to make. Or maybe it’s a decision...
by Michelle Clift | Dec 6, 2017 | Birth Stories, ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing
Some words from Michelle This is the birth story of my first nephew, Indiana. This birth changed everything for me. It was hard, long, humbling and eye opening. I used to pay lip service to ‘any type of birth can be a great birth’ but I think in reality I...
by HypnoBirthing Collective | Nov 24, 2017 | ChildBirth, Parenting
A few weeks ago I had my bones closed. What the what I hear you say? If you’ve followed my story, you’ll know that I had a traumatic first birth. It’s hard now to put my finger on what was traumatic but I think it was a combination of many things. Being unprepared....
by Michelle Clift | Jul 22, 2017 | ChildBirth
It’s clear that all women experience birth differently. For some, it’s the most joyous and transformational time of their lives. For others, it can be traumatic and often described as the worst experience they’ve ever had, something they never want to do again. Why do...
by HypnoBirthing Collective | Jul 17, 2017 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing
I see time and time again in the Facebook groups I’m part of, women asking for people’s top tips for labour. Many of these women are in early labour and reaching out for advice and support for this big adventure that has just begun. I often respond to these posts with...
by Michelle Clift | Dec 20, 2016 | ChildBirth, HypnoBirthing, Upcoming Classes
As the year reaches its final frantic peak before the quiet days of January, it got me thinking about what to write to you. I adore writing but the topics I write about don’t come easily to me. I wish I could call this a real blog, but an email each fortnight does not...