What’s In My Doula Bag?

What’s In My Doula Bag?

I joke with my clients that my doula bag is my ‘bag of tricks’. I adore getting it re-stocked while I await the call from my next couple, that labour has begun and I’m about to meet a beautiful little soul in the coming hours. I thought I would share...
Nicholas’ Birth Story

Nicholas’ Birth Story

My pregnancy with Nicholas had been relatively uncomplicated. That was up until about 34 weeks when I felt anxiety creep its way in with the impending challenge of birthing my boy into this world. As a result my blood pressure began to creep up at every clinic...
Edmunds Birth Story

Edmunds Birth Story

How to explain just how amazing the whole experience was is an understatement! Birth for me to some extent started on Friday 9th….We had decided to drive to Seymour for Bo to compete in a tree climbing competition. I was nervous as it was a long drive and if I did pop...
Amelia’s Birth Story

Amelia’s Birth Story

Jad and I classify my birth to Amelia as amazing. The reason it was amazing is because of our HypnoBirthing training and the fact that we were informed! From 36 weeks, my fundus was measuring small. The hospital told me that if I was 37 weeks, they ‘would induce...
Ivy’s Birth Story

Ivy’s Birth Story

We have a daughter!! Little Ivy Elise Howard was born on Wednesday 4/4/18 at 2:20pm weighing 3.51kg and 50cm long. Due to recommendations from Hugo’s paediatrician and worries about low amniotic fluid we decided to be induced at 39+4. It was a really hard...