We have a daughter!! Little Ivy Elise Howard was born on Wednesday 4/4/18 at 2:20pm weighing 3.51kg and 50cm long. Due to recommendations from Hugo’s paediatrician and worries about low amniotic fluid we decided to be induced at 39+4. It was a really hard decision to come to but we felt like it was the right decision for us and little Ivy.
I had my membranes released at 7:30 in the morning in the hope that labour would start off on its own. Andrew and I went for a walk to get a coffee and started getting mild surges. We returned to the hospital after a relaxing coffee and walk and surges were about 5 minutes apart but still easily able to talk through them. We made the room nice and dark, played music, had clary sage oil and lavender oil burning, did light touch massage and I listened to affirmations. Andrew also wrote me a few cards and had my parents write me cards as well which he gave me throughout the course of my labour which was so lovely!
When surges amped up a bit I used the calm breath (I focussed better breathing in for 4 or 5 and then doing a really long slow exhale) and Andrew provided counter pressure while I was kneeling on a mat leaning over a yoga ball until I felt like I needed a little more relief from the pressure. I jumped in the shower at about 12:30pm which was amazing! I coped really well in the shower and was surprised when I felt the urge to push – I thought it was surely too early to be pushing because I hadn’t experienced transition yet!
Not once did I feel the need for any analgesia. I moved to kneeling over the head of the bed so that the midwife could keep an eye on Ivy’s heart rate. I pushed and breathed Ivy out in about 20 minutes with only 3 small grazes so no stitches required at 2:20pm.
Andrew passed her up to me and I had immediate skin to skin with her. I had a physiological third stage (800g placenta!) which took about 10 minutes – third surge after Ivy was born – and then the cord was clamped and cut once placenta was birthed and cord was white. I didn’t have any vaginal exams during the course of the day after my waters were broken but my midwife put midday down as active labour – so it was relatively quick and such an awesome experience!!
We are so so so so so thankful to you for all that you taught us during our Hypnobirthing Course. We both felt so well prepared and excited for this birthing experience. It was everything we could have hoped for and more 🙂