Beau’s Birth Story

by | May 1, 2018 | Birth Stories, HypnoBirthing

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Welcome to the world Baby Beau, born at 41+4, just an hour after my obstetrician “clocked back on” after a few days of holidays with his family. Although by 11 days over I was certainly “over it”, I was still hopeful for spontaneous labour and gladly Beau had the same thought. I also had great support from my obstetrician who did not want to look at considering induction until 42 weeks.

So it might not have been quite as I imagined – but I got my natural birth with minimal intervention and it was amazing! So proud of my babe and body for working together (almost) perfectly.

I woke up to a “pop” like many had referred to it as and I knew something was happening. I raced to the toilet with “period pain” and surges started almost instantly.

Fast forward an hour and I was at the birth assessment centre. Seeing I was already having surges they didn’t do any internals or monitoring instead opting to send me to a birth suite. In the birth suite I tried labouring in a few different positions including on the ball. I found it difficult to find a comfortable position but was able to use the surge breath to help me through each surge. I enquired about pain relief methods (having moments of self doubt) but knowing that I was eager to have a water birth the midwife redirected my thoughts quickly and calmly to finding out how far dilated I was. It was at this point that I accepted an internal examination. I was shocked to find out I was 8cm dilated. The bath was ready for me and I hopped in. The relief of the water was magical.

Into 2nd stage labour – lots of physical exhaustion during this time. I had some difficulty catching my breath and breathing through the surges so my amazing obstetrician stepped in – breathing with me and helping to keep me in control of each developing surge and moving me onto the birth breath. He allowed me the time that I needed and I ended up having almost exactly 3 hours of 2nd stage. Beau arrived peacefully in the water and I was in awe. So amazing to feel my water babies head and feel his heartbeat before he was completely out and I was able to pull him from the water.

We delayed his cord clamping for around 10-15 minutes. Then I was out of the water. I opted for assisted 3rd stage as I was physically and mentally exhausted. Beau did the breast crawl and I fed him for 25 minutes. It was absolutely amazing. I had skin to skin for over and hour before Frank got to have a cuddle. We didn’t dress him until later in the day which allowed Frank some skin to skin time as well.

My ob was amazed to find that I had no tearing, just a graze. Amazing since he was 10 pound 8 (4.76kg) and 55cm and a true testament to the power of HypnoBirthing and trusting our bodies to work with us.

The midwives, my husband and obstetrician all couldn’t believe when they saw how big he was. I was all hopped up on my oxytocin and had no idea of his size, to me he was just my beautiful baby boy and I stared in amazement (as he stared at me and took in his new world). I could not believe what my body had done. 9 hours to the minute from waters breaking (1.44am) to holding my babe in my arms (10.44am).

He’s now 2 weeks old and I still smile (and get emotional) thinking about how amazing the birth was and that I got to have the birth I wanted albeit deviating from the plan of labouring at home and having massage and music.

I seriously cannot stop telling people about HypnoBirthing and want to be some kind of birth advocate!!! Education is the key and it saddens me that so many women don’t know about their birthing choices.

Thanks for the advice to take photos during the labour – already such treasured images and it meant Frank had more involvement during the times when I didn’t need/want his help.


HypnoBirthing Collective

HypnoBirthing Collective


The HypnoBirthing Collective is one of Melbourne’s most exciting and fresh providers of affordable services and courses for pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. Our cornerstone program is our birth preparation course which is taking the world by calm, HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method. At The HypnoBirthing Collective we are dedicated to you and your family. We understand that pregnancy is an incredible time but can be overwhelming. We offer HypnoBirthing classes to help you relax and enjoy the excitement of a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing experience.