bronze design
Amazing Birth Starter Pack

Amazing Birth Starter Pack


This incredible pack includes:

  1. Hypnosis for a Calm & Comfortable Birth MP3 (3 tracks). Valued $19.95.
    – This great MP3 includes affirmations and 2 relaxation tracks. Recorded by Alison Burton, Hypnotherapist
  2. My 5 Secrets To A Positive Birth eBook
    – This eBook details my 5 secrets on how to achieve a positive and satisfying birth experience
  3. Birth Affirmation Printables (set of 12)
    – Beautifully designed and carefully chosen, these 12 A4 posters will look beautiful in your home or birthing suite.
  4. Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Care Provider PDF
    – Over 60 questions to ask your care provider regardless of your stage of pregnancy – it’s never to late to be sure you’re in the right place!
  5. A Positive Birth Worksheet
    – Your checklist to ensure you are all set to have a positive birth experience.
  6. 10 Care Models Explained
    – An incredible spreadsheet showing you the 10 different models of maternity care available in Australia and how the stack up against each other.
  7. Calm Breath Relaxation Exercise
    – Learn the first HypnoBirthing breathing technique plus experience a short, guided relaxation, allowing you to picture your perfect birth.
  8. Labour & Birth Positions Handout
    – A detailed PDF showing 20 different labour and birthing positions with about when to use them more effectively.