Essential Oils in Labour

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So you’ve probably checked out my other free resource Essential Oils in Pregnancy and now we’re getting to the nitty gritty, what to use in labour.

Here are some basics to add to your labour bag.


You’ve probably heard lots about Clary Sage and labour. It’s often used to try to start labour but mostly it gets those surges happening once labour has started. It can tend to make them more effective. Again, good for comfort and can help with milk production.


This is a great oil to use for relaxation during labour. By adding to a diffuser, it can help you, and anyone else in the room, stay relaxed and calm. It’s also great for muscle tension or aches so a having a nice blend to use as a massage oil, can be really helpful.


This is a great staple of the labour kit. It can work really well for back labour and also helps calm nausea. It’s perfect for an energy boost in those last few hours too.


Frankincense is very calming so another wonderful one to have in the diffuser or even just on a tissue or hanky. You can even place a single drop on the palm of each hand. You can also use this one as a massage oil as long as it’s diluted in a carrier oil. Rubbed on the lower back or stomach can be very comforting. This is perfect for the end of the opening and thinning phase of labour.

Another handy job for Frankincense is healing the perineum after birth if required.


Named after the Roman soldiers who used to use this oil before battle to build up their courage, this oil is perfect for the courageous labouring mum. It’s tranquil, calming and increases confidence.


This oil it so delicious and also has the added benefit of being uplifting and energising. Mix in the diffuser with peppermint for an instant mood life and energy boost.


Please make sure you purchase your oils through a reputable company and you aren’t buying synthetic or fragranced oils. I like Springfield’s which are certified organic, reasonably priced and good quality.

If you or anyone in your family has a history or miscarriage, or if there have been any health issues with your pregnancy, please get in contact with an aromatherapists to talk about your particular situation and what oils would be suitable for you.

Consulting an aromatherapist is a great idea, especially during pregnancy and you may want to let your health practitioner, doctor, midwife or obstetrician know about anything you are using or thinking about using.

This information is meant as general advice.