HypnoBirthing Stories

Here you will find a collection of beautiful, empowering birth stories. These cover a variety of birth types including physiological birth, inductions, vaginal birth after cesarean, vaginal breech birth, cesarean births and much more! You’ll also find many informative blogs covering a range of topics through pregnancy, birth and parenting.
The One List You Can’t Do Without in Pregnancy
As mothers-to-be we are bombarded by lists in pregnancy. Hospital appointments What you can’t eat Exercise you should be doing Supplements you need to take What to buy for the baby Names for the baby What to pack in your hospital bag What to pack in the baby’s...
Riley’s Birth Story
I got a positive birth! Thank you to the both of you for your content, I can’t thank you enough! Our daughter Riley Elle Robinson was born last month and we have been smitten ever since. Being pregnant for the first time I felt lost with Corona virus when all the...
50 Things For Partners To Say In Labour
Just a short but sweet blog post today. I do tons of work with partners about what to do in labour. They learn lots of techniques to help the labouring mum both physically and emotionally but I realised sometimes they need a little help in what to say. I draw up this...
Luella’s Birth Story
???? Luella Florence Howard ???? Surprise gender baby, our third bubba and second little girl!! Born 25/02/2020 at 1242pm weighing 3.84kg, 51cm long and 34cm 39+5 spontaneous labour. Woke up and made breaky for my daughter and felt a mild period type cramp at about...
Romy’s Birth Story
I was induced at 39 weeks and 2 days. I had a very normal, healthy pregnancy except for a slight thyroid issue that was treated with medication and caused no issues. At 35 weeks my belly was measuring small so I had an extra scan measure the baby. Our baby seemed to...
Corona Virus Birthing Tips
I wanted to put together some birthing tips for those of you who will be birthing during the corona virus pandemic. I think it's fair to say that if you are pregnant right now, you have never experienced anything like what the world is going through right now. That...
Your Ultimate Guide: Care Providers
I believe that 3 things contribute to an awesome birth. Want to know what they are? It's simple but oh so complex too. Your birth preparation Your mindset Your care provider/support team Today I’m going to talk about Care Providers because I’ve just finished an...
Michael’s Birth Story
A letter to all the doubters, believe me you can have a great birth, and HypnoBirthing is one of the keys... I’d just like start off by personally thanking Michelle for all her help and support along my pregnancy journey and for giving both my husband and I the skills...
Birthing Affirmation Printables
I am a lover of creating a gorgeous birth space. This space should be warm, dark and cosy and extra points for looking and smelling stunning! Candles, an oil burner or diffuser, incense, music, flower, plants, a water feature, open fire and lots of soft blankets and...
Denver’s Birth Story
I’d had lots of pre labour warm ups in the week before my baby was born, prompting my husband to finish up work early, our 2 year old having a sleep over at nanas and my sister/doula organising back up teachers for her HypnoBirthing classes as we were pretty sure baby...
Sasha’s Birth Story
At 38+2 (a few hours after getting home from Boris’ birthday celebrations) I woke up to pain at about 5:30am feeling like I had to do a massive poo haha. Went to the bathroom a couple of times and nothing happened. Around an hour later woke Boris up because I was...
Sara’s Unexpected Unassisted Homebirth Story
Michelle here! I was Zehra's doula and I remember getting the phone call that she was in labour. Things sounded early on so I rested a little more but after half an hour or so, I had a feeling I should head over. I spoke to Zehra's husband on the way, he asked what...
Hazel’s Breech Birth Story
On Monday the 29th of July, Zach and I welcomed out beautiful baby girl, Hazel Muehlke-Taylor into the world. I experienced an all natural, drug-free, vaginal breech birth. It was an incredible experience and HypnoBirthing helped me listen and trust my feelings and...
Chloe’s (Car) Birth Story
After a day of feeling tightenings that I put down as Braxton Hicks, my waters started leaking at 10.30pm on Wednesday. The tightenings immediately became mild surges that kept me awake all night, that and excitement that it was finally happening. I let my doula,...
Does HypnoBirthing and Being Induced Work?
Considering at least a third of all pregnant woman are induced (stats higher for first time mums), I think discussing induction is a reasonable thing to do. HypnoBirthing and induction aren't always thought of as two things that can go together. Ideally mum goes into...
Mia’s Birth Story
So things started on Friday 29th March (I was 39+4), I lost my uterine seal - but then nothing all weekend. On Monday morning 1st April, I woke up and had a show and thought, omg I’m going to have an April Fools baby! I had what I thought were Braxton Hicks...
Harrison’s Birth Story
I look back on my pregnancy fondly. I felt connected with my baby, beautiful and empowered. I was lucky enough to avoid all morning sickness and aside from being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, we had a pretty smooth sailing 9 months. We chose to do...
Hospital Bag – What To Pack
Packing for the birth and hospital stay is an exciting task. The lists can seem endless and you can often worry about all those purchases you need to make. The lists below are quite exhaustive and it's always good to remember that we don't NEED these things to have an...
What’s In My Doula Bag?
I joke with my clients that my doula bag is my 'bag of tricks'. I adore getting it re-stocked while I await the call from my next couple, that labour has begun and I'm about to meet a beautiful little soul in the coming hours. I thought I would share what I pack,...
Nicholas’ Birth Story
My pregnancy with Nicholas had been relatively uncomplicated. That was up until about 34 weeks when I felt anxiety creep its way in with the impending challenge of birthing my boy into this world. As a result my blood pressure began to creep up at every clinic...
Gentle Scheduled Caesarean Birth
Hey there mama, I'm glad you found this article and I'm here to get you feeling comfortable and positive about your caesarean birth. I know you've been on a journey and I know this had been a tough decision to make. Or maybe it's a decision that was out of your hands...
Edmunds Birth Story
How to explain just how amazing the whole experience was is an understatement! Birth for me to some extent started on Friday 9th….We had decided to drive to Seymour for Bo to compete in a tree climbing competition. I was nervous as it was a long drive and if I did pop...
Amelia’s Birth Story
Jad and I classify my birth to Amelia as amazing. The reason it was amazing is because of our HypnoBirthing training and the fact that we were informed! From 36 weeks, my fundus was measuring small. The hospital told me that if I was 37 weeks, they 'would induce me'....
Ivy’s Birth Story
We have a daughter!! Little Ivy Elise Howard was born on Wednesday 4/4/18 at 2:20pm weighing 3.51kg and 50cm long. Due to recommendations from Hugo's paediatrician and worries about low amniotic fluid we decided to be induced at 39+4. It was a really hard decision to...
Beau’s Birth Story
Welcome to the world Baby Beau, born at 41+4, just an hour after my obstetrician “clocked back on” after a few days of holidays with his family. Although by 11 days over I was certainly “over it”, I was still hopeful for spontaneous labour and gladly Beau had the same...
Why some people won’t get on the HypnoBirthing train
I live in a HypnoBirthing bubble. I eat, sleep and breathe natural birth. Something that initially shocked me but now I’m getting used to is that HypnoBirthing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Yes, I get it, it has a weird name but even when I have the chance to explain...
Indiana’s Birth Story
Some words from Michelle This is the birth story of my first nephew, Indiana. This birth changed everything for me. It was hard, long, humbling and eye opening. I used to pay lip service to 'any type of birth can be a great birth' but I think in reality I still...
The Day I Had My Bones Closed
A few weeks ago I had my bones closed. What the what I hear you say? If you’ve followed my story, you’ll know that I had a traumatic first birth. It’s hard now to put my finger on what was traumatic but I think it was a combination of many things. Being unprepared....
Alexandre’s Birth Story
Our desire for an intervention free natural birth was achieved. We thank Michelle Clift for educating us in birthing options & HypnoBirthing techniques. Surges began early on 23rd September which was a Saturday morning around 9am. I had a hair and nail appointment...
Nixxon’s Birth Story
On Sunday 16th July, Mariah and I were at Cranbourne Centro to do our weekly shop. While Mariah ordered her coffee and my white hot chocolate I went to the bathroom. It was no mistake that I started losing my show and plug - it was 1:10pm. We continued on to Coles as...
Jayden’s Birth Story
My Birth Story by Sarah Munro Let me start by saying birthing a baby is the most magnificent experience a women can have. I completely conditioned myself and wanted my HypnoBirthing techniques that I had learnt to consume me. My gorgeous boy Jayden was born 6 days...
I’ve got a secret….
OK, deep breath Michelle. You can do this. For 18 months, I’ve felt like I’ve got a big, dirty secret that I don’t want to talk about it. But lately, I’ve been coming to terms with it. I think coming clean today will help with my healing process. Here I go. I learnt...
Let’s Make Some Waves Ladies
If you're anything like me, you get incredibly frustrated constantly by the total shit storm that is happening around birth and our maternity system. I could write a huge list about the issues pregnant women are facing - the pressure, the disrespect, the coercion, the...
Why Women Birth Differently
It’s clear that all women experience birth differently. For some, it’s the most joyous and transformational time of their lives. For others, it can be traumatic and often described as the worst experience they’ve ever had, something they never want to do again. Why do...
My 21 Top Tips For Labour & Bonding
I see time and time again in the Facebook groups I’m part of, women asking for people’s top tips for labour. Many of these women are in early labour and reaching out for advice and support for this big adventure that has just begun. I often respond to these posts with...
A Powerful HypnoBirthing Story
Meeting Sophie & Daniel I first met *Sophie and *Daniel at an information session I run each month. They were front and centre and Sophie seemed to absorb every word I said. I was disappointed when they didn’t book in to do my course but understood that Sophie’s...
One Thing I Forgot During Pregnancy
I was recently approached by a paediatric occupational therapist about a course she runs and wanted to offer to my gorgeous tribe for free! When I read about what it entailed, it really struck a chord with me. When I was pregnant, I was totally and utterly focused on...
The Best Relaxation Technique Ever
I had great feedback from my email a few weeks ago about the Best Breathing Technique Ever so I thought I would share my easiest and most reliable relaxation method. We learn lots of techniques during the HypnoBirthing course, some are long and some are short....
The Best Breathing Technique Ever
Today I wanted to remind/teach you, the first of the HypnoBirthing breathing techniques, the Calm Breath. This breath is really easy but my goodness, it is powerful. If you have done the HypnoBirthing course and you're not using this breath during pregnancy, labour...
My 3 Big Birth Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them
Did you know that 30% of women are traumatised by their birth experience? In 2012 that was me. Diagnosed with Post Natal Depression and PTSD (yes, you read that correctly – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), I was miserable. Find out how you can avoid my 3 biggest...
What The F@#% Is HypnoBirthing?!?
Something that I come across a lot in my job, is scepticism or confusion about the hypnosis part of HypnoBirthing. And yes, this is generally from partners, Dads-to-be in most cases. The rest of this article is for them! I call it – What the F@#% is HypnoBirthing!! ...
Using HypnoBirthing With Special Circumstances – A Birth Story
Not all births play out as we expect. In HypnoBirthing we are teaching couples tools and techniques to keep them calm and positive in whatever turn their birthing takes. Although Amy and Ryan ended up needing special assistance, the birth of their baby girl, was still...
Who Wants Free Stuff?!
Happy New Year! I hope whatever you did, it was a lovely night. We handed the kids over to the grandparents for the night so I enjoyed myself a little too much. I think it was about 5pm on New Years Day before I made it off the couch! Everyone Loves A Freebie! To get...
From The Beginning to the End of Life
As the year reaches its final frantic peak before the quiet days of January, it got me thinking about what to write to you. I adore writing but the topics I write about don’t come easily to me. I wish I could call this a real blog, but an email each fortnight does not...
The First Life Changing Decision You’ll Make As A Parent
How many life decisions have you made based on a couple of questions? I’m guessing some of you have said yes to ‘will you marry me’, but I’m sure that was after careful consideration and at least some background knowledge of the person! What if you had to decide...
The Game Changing Tool You Will Love
The further I delve into the world of pregnancy and birth, the more I realise that forming a wonderful working relationship with your care provider is paramount to a positive birth. I think there would be three types of mums when it comes to care provider...
Top 9 Tips for Your Birthing Environment
When it comes to the labouring woman, there are three little words that pop up time and time again. Safe Private Unobserved Why do we want mum to feel these things? Well, when she does, all of the major birthing hormones will be produced at their maximum, optimal...
What Birth Trauma Can Do
I’m on a high after hearing about another one of my HypnoBirthing babies born this week. Mum says “It was a very long labour and I thank my lucky stars for HypnoBirthing. I could not have gotten through the 9 hours of basically back-to-back surges without it!! We used...
Be The Change You Want To See
Australia is called ‘The Lucky Country’. We enjoy many opportunities in our multi-cultural, open-minded society. Most Australians experience a great quality of life. We have low pollution levels and a modern and efficient infrastructure. Our health system, whilst busy...
Joseph’s Birth Story
I met Julia and her husband Julian earlier this year. To be 100% honest, they were the 3rd couple I’d ever taught! This incredibly friendly and bubbly couple heard about me through a mutual friend and invited me into their home to learn HypnoBirthing. I remember...